Monday, November 30, 2015

My Top Ten Bucket List Destinations Part 4 out of 10


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Puno is a city located in Southeastern Peru. This region is dominated by Lake Titicaca,  a sacred place of the Incas, home to natural and artificial islands. 
Most travelers come to Puno as a means of getting to Lake Titicaca and seeing nearby Inca ruins. Puno today is the capital of the Altiplano region, a dusty, commercial border town across Lake Titicaca from Bolivia.

Puno is officially the Folkloric Center of Peru. Throughout the year, monthly festivals with music and dance fill the streets attracting many photographers. The most popular of these festivals are  in the month of February and November.  

During February locals celebrate the Virgen de la Candelaria with the famous Devil Dancers. The costumes are vivid and spectacular, and no expense is spared for the “Ten days” celebration in honor of the patron of Puno.  November's festival, locally known as  Puno Days locals  celebrate with a lavish procession and masked dancers celebrating the beginning of the Inca Empire, when Manco Capac and Mamá Ocho rose from Lake Titicaca.

Due to its location, Puno’s climate is dry and cold.  The nights are usually very cold. If you are sensitive to the altitude, allow yourself time to get acclimatize before climbing. Most hotels make available Coca tea,  as it seems to help the acclimatization process. 

The town is hospitable, with plenty of restaurants and lodging options, from the very basic to the luxurious.  If you register at a smaller hotel, ask about the overnight heating. You may need your own sleeping bag for extra warmth.  If you plan on attending the February and November celebrations, you are encouraged to make reservations.

Places to Visit: 
Silustani, is a Pre-Incan burial site called the city of the dead.  Located approximately 19 miles (30 km) from Puno, it is the site of the circular towers known as Chulpas for the shrouds used to wrap the mummies entombed in the towers, which are  named Ayawasi. 

Chuquito is an agricultural lakeside community of terraces where tortora rafts making, is their main industry.  
In colonial times, it was an administrative center for the area.

Getting to Puno:

By air, several domestic Airlines departing from Lima, Cuzco and Arequipa arrive daily at Aeropuerto Manco Capac in Juliana, 31 miles (50 km) north of Puno. If you are with a tour, the agency will arrange transfers to Puno. Other choices are taxi, or the cheaper shuttle bus.

By train, you have a choice of the 10 hour ride between Arequipa and Puno. If you enjoy taking pictures or reading a great book this definitely will be an awesome ride.

Did you know?  Lake Titicaca located along Peru’s border with Bolivia is the largest lake in South America It is also the highest navigable lake in the world with a surface elevation of 3,812 meters.

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Monday, November 23, 2015

My Top Ten bucket list destinations Part 3 out of 10

Iquitos - Peru

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Have you had a chance to experience the immense variety of flora and fauna to be had in Peru’s Amazon? If not, let these photos and a brief description inspire you. 

Iquitos, is the largest metropolis in the Peruvian Amazon, and the sixth most populous city of Peru, an ideal place for those who love nature, biodiversity tourism, and those who desire an intimate contact with the Amazon rainforest. From Iquitos City you will be able take a tour, and stay in lodges located deep in the jungle.  For the more adventurous, you can leave from the protected natural areas at Pacaya Samiria National Reserve  or Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve. Both locations offer exuberant flora and fauna. You could also take a cruise on the Amazon River, considered to be one of the new 7 wonders of Nature.  

Among the surrounding provinces, Iquitos offers diversity of dishes, culture, native crops and fruitage, that could be used for many things other than juice. The altitude is much lower and the variety of flora and fauna is different from those of the “Ceja de Selva “ translation (rim of the Jungle).  To the World Travelers, the Amazon will not fail your expectations. 

Did you know? The Grand Canyon may be vast, but the Cotahuasi Canyon near the city of Arequipa is actually the deepest canyon in the world with a depth of nearly      3, 535 meters, it is twice the depth of the Grand Canyon!

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I am a Certified Travel Consultant who specializes in South America Travel for additional information kindly visit (Mobil) 305-389-6628

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

My Top Ten Bucket List Destinations - Part 2 out of 10 series


Plaza Central 
Welcome Friends, I am Jeannette a freelance travel blogger, food lover, adventure seeker.  I'd like to share with you my Top Ten Destinations Bucket list in Peru.  I invite you to check other posts at  www.Facebook/ 

Chiclayo it’s the capital city of the Lambayeque region. It is also the 4th most populous city in Peru.  Chiclayo had the good fortune,  of being in the center of an important Pre-Incan archaeological area, the site of recent spectacular archaeological discoveries such as the Lord of Sipán in Huaca Rajada,  The Museo de Tumbas Reales de Sipán (Royal Tombs of Sipán Museum) and Sicán National Museum, housing a collection of incalculable worth, has made these discoveries accessible to all. Chiclayo has thus become Peru's second destination, after Cuzco, in terms of archaeological and historical interest. Chiclayo, also known for its highly-regarded sorcerers and healers, is located on Peru's northern coast . 

Saranga Hotel 
Did you know? Peru has the second largest segment of Amazonian rainforest, nearly 60% of the country is covered by rainforest. It is second only to Brazil.

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I am a Certified Travel Consultant who specializes in South America Travel
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Mobil (305) 389-6628

Friday, November 13, 2015

My Top Ten Bucket List Destinations Part 9 out of 10

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Happy New Year! 

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Ica, Southern Peru's adventure capital

Ica is a land of valleys, sun, beaches and a natural reserve inhabited by a variety of flora and fauna.  The Southern Region of Ica is renowned for its dunes, marine life, and nearby Ballesta Islands.  Ica is also site of the Museo Regional de Ica, a regional museum with exhibits ranging from prehistoric artifacts to the Spanish colonial era. On display pre-Columbian funerary bundles and mummies, whose elongated skulls from the Paracas and pre-Inca cultures suggest ritual deformation, perhaps a mark of the elite.

Ica boasts characteristic dunes and a vast desert etched with enigmatic figures, the Nazca Lines, ancient geoglyphs located in the Nazca Desert in southern Peru. They were designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994.

Although Ica has four seasons, the warm dry climate makes it feel like summer year-round.  Ica is more than one reason to enjoy it.  If you wish to visit the main sites and enjoy nature, it is essential to stay at least 3 days. Ica is a unique place in the world with mystery and mysticism. 

Ica can be reached from Lima by the Pan-American Highway. The distance is almost exactly 200 miles or 300 km. The trip takes about 4.5 hours by bus and 4 hours on motorcycle.

Did you know? Peru has the second largest segment of Amazonian rainforest, nearly 60% of the country is covered by rainforest. It is second only to Brazil.

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I am a Certified Travel Consultant who specializes in South America Travel
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My Top Ten Bucket List Destinations - Part 1 out 10

Welcome Friends, 

I am Jeannette a freelance travel Blogger, food lover, adventure seeker.  I'd like to share with you my Top Ten Destinations Bucket list in Peru. 

Arequipa- Colca Valley

Located between the coast and the southern highlands of Peru, Arequipa is the land of great destinations with heights on snow-capped peaks such as Ampato (6,288 m), volcanos like Chachani ( 6,076 m ) and El Misti (5,825 m ).  Arequipa city is widely known as the Ciudad Blanca ( “White City” ) for its beautiful colonial homes, churches and monasteries constructed of a white ashlar that is unique to the zone. Historical Centre of the City of Arequipa, which was recognized by the Unesco as a cultural World Heritage Site, is surrounded by a beautiful countryside. Once you arrive you should visit the nearby Colca Valley and Colca Canyon. Arequipa is an ideal destination for those interested in Colonial architecture, culture, and outdoor natural beauty. 

        Did you know?  The National University of San Marcos in Lima is the oldest continuously functioning university in the Americas. It was founded in 1551. Harvard University, the oldest university in United States, in contrast, was founded only in 1636.

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I am a Certified Travel Consultant who specializes in South America Travel
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Mobil 305-389-6628

Monday, November 9, 2015

Five Reasons You Should Visit Peru-Part 5


This post concludes my top (5) reasons why you should visit Peru. I trust that you have enjoyed my blogs as much as I had writing each one.  I was inspired by the love I feel to this beautiful country and also to entice you in booking a trip to Peru. I am inviting you to visit my Facebook page for additional postings www.

 Why You should Visit Peru 

 Natural Diversity 

Peru counts with 28 individual climates.  This creates a diverse ecosystem and natural variety, all in one country.  You can see snow in the Andes, and not far away you can sandboard in the desert in Huacachina Oasis. 

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I am a Certified Travel Consultant who specializes in South America Travel
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Mobile: 305-389-6628

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Reasons Why You Should Visit Peru - Part (3) out of 5 series


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Reasons Why You should Visit Peru

To Meet the People 

It is always interesting meeting new people and to experience new cultures, but Peruvians make this even sweeter. Many Peruvians still have a direct link with their Inca ancestors, proudly conserving the Quechua and Aymara culture that is so important to Peru's past. Most people are hard workers, extremely polite, peaceful, helpful and curious about the foreign visitors. While getting acclimatized to the altitude I spent my first day wondering the streets of Cusco, immediately felt excited and in awe of the beauty this city had to offer.
My First Two greeters 

 Busy making souvenirs 

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I am a Certified Travel Consultant who specializes in South America Travel
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Mobile: 305-389-6628